Nick Zagorski, PhD

From Research to Writing: A Brisk Change of Pace

As someone who took no breaks between my undergraduate-graduate-postdoc days (12 years total), I can certainly say that I became used to the sheltered life of an academic setting. Therefore, once I decided that I would trade in my pipets for a keyboard, I realized that I would be in for many lifesty...

Nick Zagorski, PhD

How I decided Bench Science was not my career path

Like many graduate students in the sciences, I had my share of ups and downs during my doctoral research, and during some of those downs—an extended period of negative results or failed approaches, panicking as my qualifying exam approached—I had passing thoughts that I couldn’t cut it as a be...

Nick Zagorski, PhD

My Path to Science Writing

Once I had made the fateful decision that I would not pursue a long-term career as a bench scientist, the next obstacle to overcome was naturally figuring out what to do with my time and talents.   Back then I wasn’t fully aware of all the non-research options available, so I just started t...

Nick Zagorski, PhD

Picking up Some Side Projects

A university offers many internal avenues for aspiring science writers to practice and learn One of the first worries I had once I had decided to try to follow a path of science writing was "I really haven’t written much non-technical stuff." I knew that applying for writing programs or fellowshi...

Nick Zagorski, PhD

Taking Baby Steps from the Bench: Writing for a Scholarly Journal

As a young graduate student, I couldn't wait to publish my experimental results in a major journal. Little did I realize that years later I would see my work in the scientific literature, just not in the manner I had originally anticipated. As a science writer, I now publish papers in the front sect...

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